When I was married, my husband and I never took any holidays together. I did one with my sister and her family, but I could never persuade him to go on one with me. It is no wonder that marriage did not last long! When the divorce was final, I decided to treat myself to a holiday away on my own. I am very independent, and I was looking forward to just having some “me” time. After looking at several different locations, I finally rented a studio apartment I had found on https://www.cornishsecrets.co.uk/property-locations/st-ives-holiday-cottages/.

The studio apartment is really close to St Ives, a place I have wanted to visit for a long time. I was able to spend time at the beach, which was probably my favorite thing to do there. I would spend at least a couple of hours every day there. I ended up reading nearly two books just during that beach time alone! Plus, the tan I got was gorgeous, making me want to do another beach holiday very soon! I also was able to explore a lot of different places in St Ives. I had a list of places I wanted to see, but I was not able to get to all of them.

That is okay though because I had the most marvelous time there. It made me realize that I had been settling by not demanding more for myself. I spent time in my small studio apartment, just enjoying nice meals and great music. I was able to visit gardens and museums in St Ives, and the time on the beach was extremely therapeutic. I know that I am going to go back, but I might take my sister with me. Even though she is happily married and has three kids, she deserves to have some “girl time” with just the two of us. It is very healthy!